We have encountered one of the first big markers, 6 months yesterday.
And this little boy sure has lived a life in 6 months already. He was born on the upper east side of Manhattan, welcomed by my very large, loving, and generous New York family. He was immediately put into a baby carrier on my chest as we closed our beloved store. Six weeks after his birth, we headed cross country in our station wagon to Colorado. He took in the landscapes of the country and tested the beds of a lot of hotels and visited welcoming friends across the country, the Dodrills, Zwillings, and Crawfords. He arrived in Colorado to great fanfare from the Colorado contingent of family including our mothers, Michael's brothers, and my grandfather. Some of the NY family even came for a visit weeks after we left which helped the transition and of course, my dad made the trip as well. Three months past in a blur as we transitioned together and learned how to breath normally again. I began to process all that had happened in the last year and my emotions ranged quite a bit. Dempsey remained my center and encouraged me to remain present.
He has also reached his own little markers:
Physical: He has finally started rolling over both directions now. They came around the same time, a few weeks ago. He is working on sitting a bit more in his little Bumbo, activity center and swing. He has tasted rice cereal, sweet potato, banana, and avocado but we are not on a regularly solids schedule now. He has started sleeping a bit more. We are attempting to do away with the night feeding. However, rarely does he go more than 6 hours still.
Disposition: Still lovely. Seems to want you close by more often and lately, he wants to be held more. He gets distracted a lot easier while nursing. He follows voices, lights, and activity in the room.He seems to go to anyone without hesitation still but I still get the biggest smiles. However, I know this is only because I come with milk. And, he is totally in love with his brother no matter if Madeus is yelling in his face or shaking his arm, he laughs gleefully.
I look forward to the next six months, however, I will be totally fine with them being a little calmer.
Dempsey is looking out for me. I have mentioned his peaceful disposition and in his brother's blog, I talked about how once I had to ask Dempsey to go right back to sleep to help get Madeus
to sleep and he did. Tonight, he was fussing a bit going to sleep and I went in to rock him, not because he really needed it, but because I wanted an escape from the madness and effort of getting a three year old to bed. Since Dempsey falls to sleep on his own most often now, he doesn't take much to rocking anymore. But tonight, I said, "please don't make me got out there" and he just let me rock and rock him. And instead of singing, he let me keep kissing him, turning from cheek to cheek, back and forth, as the rocker moved. I would add in a neck kisses in between which always sent him smiling. This probably went on for about twenty minutes. I hope I will always remember the complete bliss of kissing those red, squishy, glorious cheeks.
Dempsey,You should know. You never get a bath. It is awful but I just never do it. Your Moma insists on doing it when she is around because I never do. Anyway, last night you got your, um, weekly or um, biweekly bath. You found lots of your parts to explore for the first time. You always look a little stunned in the bath, probably because you have never got used to water, because, um, you never get a bath.
I think it is official. They are getting darker each day. I thought they were hazel but now I am pretty sure. Dempsey has beautiful brown eyes!