My poor little love. He is already getting second child status. By this time after Madeus' birth I had already composed many posts for his baby book. But I realized for me, a few things happen with the second child. Yes, there is less time and that definitely plays into it. Two, I tend to just experience the moment more with Dempsey when I do have the time. Three, Dempsey is so laid back that I am pretty sure he won't be mad at me down the road when he is baby book is a little thin. He is just that kind of a kid.
There are so many comparisons that can be made between my two boys and I want to be careful at comparing too much as they grow but I don't think there is any harm in comparing their baby status.
Madeus had a giant range of expressions of emotions from day one. Dempsey has two main ones, pure happiness, or serious contentment.
Madeus slept through the night from 8 weeks. Dempsey has yet to sleep through the night.
Madeus ruined maybe two outfits during his entire diaper time from diaper leaks. Dempsey ruins an outfit weekly.
Madeus was born two weeks late and very developed. Dempsey was two weeks early and still does not hold is head very strong.
Madeus has always been pretty lean. Dempsey is my little chunky love.
Madeus is blond with blue eyes. Dempsey's eyes are hazel we think and he has dark brown hair.
Madeus was actually pretty quiet as a baby. From day one, Dempsey was noisy - grunting, snorting, and now he is always cooing and talking.
Madeus would go from not crying to complete fit withing 10 seconds. Dempsey can fake cry for 30 minutes without any real tears.
Madeus was either awake or asleep. Dempsey will cry with his eyes closed in his crib wining for as long as you "let" him. If you go in and bounce his mattress a little or pick him up he will instantly go back to sleep.
Madeus was content being held but never very cuddly. Dempsey would stay on your shoulder all day if you let him. I am cherishing naps where he will still sleep on me.
Madeus was a pretty easy eater but could be pretty particular and angry if you were late. Dempsey is an even easier nurser, he is not particular at all and rarely gets mad even when his meals are a little past due.
Madeus was very adaptable to different environments and could sleep almost anywhere. Dempsey is a lot more sensitive to noise and light but will do whatever you want when he is awake. Most times he is very content playing on a blanket or sitting in a chair - as long as you are near him.
Madeus spit up all the time - and I mean- all the time, until he was six months old. Dempsey has that more under control but has always suffered from more digestive issues.
Madeus always kept you guessing as to what his cried where about - tired, gassy, diaper change, etc? Dempsey's cries are completely distinct and easy to decipher.
Madeus has always brought a lot of fun to a room. And as my dad recently pointed out, Dempsey brings peace. Being in his presence instantly soothes me.
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