Saturday, April 9, 2011

Month nine: Little On Up

Dempsey always seems younger than he is and Madeus always seems older. I am not sure why this is exactly but I have my hypotheses.  And/or birth date: Dempsey was two weeks early.  Madeus was two weeks late.  And/or birth order: Madeus is my first born and Dempsey is my baby, and therefore, he will probably always remain the baby.  And/or their personalities: Madeus was so quick to assert independence, and Dempsey still seems fairly content in my arms.  And/or it is me: I am less in a rush to feed Dempsey solids, to see him crawl, to buy him shoes.  I know all these things happen in due time, and they come too quickly as it is.

And the little man is doing his thing.  He finally cut his first tooth this week, and got pink eye a day later. He scoots all around the room but no full out crawl yet.  He sits up unassisted but falls quite easily.  He has a sweet tooth and is trying to shun vegetables.  He seems ready to move right to what we are eating.  He has everyone fooled with his sweetness, me included and he gets whatever he wants.  He has a michevious streak, he smiles at you when he knows he is doing something he shouldn't.  He is after Madeus' cars whenever you turn your back and has a persistence that will give Madeus a run for his money.

His adoration for his brother seems to be growing daily.  He tries to position himself so he can see Madeus and will even look around the person carrying him away to try and find Madeus.  He laughs freely at everything his big brother does.  Madeus jumped into the elevator the other day and Dempsey went into hysterics.  I even caught the two playing and laughing together in a way that made me do a double take.  For a moment, I could see them several years down the way, rolling and wrestling on the ground.

And still that little smile is just insane.  I cannot talk about it enough. Pure joy, comfort,bliss, love.